Stringent regulations in destination countries for importing dried fruits.


According to Qods Khorasan, in addition to hygiene in the production of dried fruits, what is important for exports is the presence of toxic residues, which the export destination countries, including the European Union, are very strict about, and do not even accept global guidelines and have established special rules for themselves.

Ahmed Nadri, Director of Horticulture at the Khorasan Agricultural Jihad Organization, said: "The dried fruit industry is a value-added industry and part of the value chain of an agricultural product. For a product to have maximum economic returns, it has to have a complete value chain, which is a part of the value chain beyond agricultural products.

He added: "The waste in garden crops is significant, and some crops can be over-produced due to being over-fresh or over-ripe". They don't have the market, so if they're processed, they create high added value. 
