Sepidan Salamat Pars Company

Sepidan Salamat Pars Food Value Chain Industrial Group was established in 2012. The company, managed by experienced professionals, operates a dual-circuit cold storage facility with a capacity of 10,000 tons. With its dual-circuit cold storage and multiple equipped halls, it has the capability to store protein and dairy products. Being among the first companies, Sepidan Salamat Pars Food Value Chain Industrial Group obtained its agricultural value chain activity license from the Fars Agricultural Jihad Organization in 2021. The company's operations begin with sourcing raw materials and contracting with farmers, taking responsibility for all activities from harvesting, sorting, packaging, storage in cold storage, transportation, sales, to customer relations. Additionally, the company has contracts for cultivation on hundreds of hectares of valuable and fertile farms and orchards across the country, ensuring the purchase of farmers' products, providing certified inputs such as seedlings, seeds, various fertilizers, plant nutrients, and pesticides of the highest quality. Ongoing training for contracted farmers in planting, cultivation, harvesting operations, and the use of inputs is an integral part of this company's strategy. Equipped with the most advanced cold storage technology in the world and a modern distribution and transportation system including mobile cold storage containers, the company delivers packaged fruits, vegetables, and greens to stores and end consumers in the shortest time possible.


Product Packaging



plastic basket


Glass containers

A unique variety of hand-picked fruits

Cold storage capacity
0 Ton
Annual production capacity
0 Ton
Exclusive farms
0 Hectar
Annual exports
0 Ton

Latest Products


All kinds of organic products

Healthier than ever!

The latest news and articles

Stringent regulations in destination countries for importing dried fruits.


Iraq has banned the entry of 9 Iranian goods.


۱۲ The Cherry and Fruit Festival will be held in Golmakan in June.


Onions and potatoes export will be banned from the beginning of June.


25% of Iran's total exports to Iraq are carried out through Mehran border


Stopping the export of agricultural products to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq


Unveiling of Sepidan Salamat Cold Storage

Sepidan Salamat Industrial Group has one of the largest and most equipped cold storages in the country with a 10,000 ton double circuit cold room with the necessary temperature capability to dry vegetables and summer clothes. The dyeing salon has the ability to dye more than 20 thousand tons of products...

Ghasemi, the head of the Fars Agricultural Jihad Organization, visited the Sepidan Salamat cold storage.

A double-circuit cold storage facility with a capacity of over 10,000 tons and creating employment for over 320 people with the presence of the Deputy Coordinator of Economic Affairs and Resources of Fars Governorate, the Director General of Economic Affairs of Fars Governorate, the head of the Fars Agricultural Jihad Organization, the governor of the city...

Which products have the largest share of exports?
Have they dedicated it to themselves?

The head of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce stated: Among the different product groups of food and agricultural products, Iran's largest exports are focused on fruits and nuts with a share of 45%, vegetables with a share of 13%...