Agricultural inputs are the set of factors that are used in the production process to produce a product.

The types of agricultural inputs have different categories in terms of different criteria, but in general, production factors can be named as follows:

1- Agricultural land

2- Labor force

3- Capital

4- Management

Land is one of the important production factors in agriculture and one of the fixed inputs. In general, land includes resources that are given by nature, for example, the following can be mentioned:

  • مواد معدنی
  • جنگل ها
  • آب های زیر زمینی

The labor factor includes all services resulting from this input in the production of agricultural products in all planting operations, and it is considered that it is examined both qualitatively and quantitatively. Quantity includes the number of people per unit of time, and quality includes not only age and gender, but also the level of skill and education of the person.

In general, capital includes the largest part of agricultural inputs. Capital in the production of inputs includes many things, such as

1- Buildings (silos, warehouses,...)

2- Machinery (tractor, combine,...)

3- Agricultural seeds

4- Poisons and chemical fertilizers

Of course, water is considered as the most important and limiting agricultural input.

Correct management in agriculture improves performance and increases the yield of agricultural products.

Plants need different elements for growth and development:

1- High consumption elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium)

2- Low consumption elements (iron, zinc, manganese, boron, copper)

Of course, plants need nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium more than any other element.

They compensate for this deficiency by using NPK fertilizers.