آشنایی با نکات مهم برای واردات تجهیزات کشاورزی در بازرگانی الین

Zero to hundred imports of agricultural equipment

One of the main goods imported to Iran is agricultural equipment, and many traders are also active in this field. Iran's agricultural sector with about 16 million arable land area and agricultural coefficient is only 1.4 horsepower, which is considered a big market for agricultural machinery. Although Iran has many capacities to produce all kinds of agricultural equipment, they still need to import heavy agricultural equipment that cannot be produced in Iran.

Unfortunately, Iran is the first country in the world to start agricultural activities and has a lot of talent in this field. But unfortunately, due to lack of water distribution and poor soil, only about 12% of its land is potentially arable. You should also note that in addition to the import of heavy agricultural machines, other agricultural parts are also imported, which we are going to check below.

Steps to import agricultural equipment

Import and clearance of agricultural machinery, like other imported goods, based on export laws and regulations imports done in the country and customs tariffs and Customs rules It is meant for that. For this reason, getting help from professional clearance workers and commercial consultants can help you a lot in speeding up the process of importing and clearing goods from customs.

Therefore, you can refer to trading companies and get help from them to import agricultural equipment and clear them from customs. The study of the laws and regulations of the export and import of goods in the country shows that their import and clearance in the country are done in different ways and with different costs depending on the type of machines. Therefore, in the import of goods, it is necessary to read the provided regulations and executive letters regularly so that you can always step on this difficult path with up-to-date information and achieve the highest profits with the lowest costs.

Iran's main partners for importing agricultural equipment

Agricultural equipment enters Iran from different countries, and each of them has its own conditions and rules. But one of the main partners of Iran for importing these goods is China. Today, many goods are imported from this country to Iran, one of the main ones being agricultural tools.

هر آنچه که باید در زمینه واردات تجهیزات کشاورزی بدانید | بازرگانی الین

It is possible to import from this country using different methods (such as land, air and sea). For this reason, in order to be successful in the field of importing these goods, you must be familiar with all these methods and use the most appropriate one. Of course Import from ChinaIt has special points that you must follow.

Important points for importing agricultural equipment

Many things can be important in the import of agricultural goods. Be careful, these tips are so important that they can directly affect your business and sometimes save you from a big failure. In the following, we are going to examine some of these points.

Choosing a good supplier or manufacturer in the country of origin

One of the most important points for importing agricultural equipment from other countries is to find a suitable supplier or manufacturer in the country of origin. Be careful that today there are many companies in the desired countries, but not all of them can meet your needs. Some of these companies may offer high prices, others may not have good quality, and some may not be able to deliver your custom item on time.

نقش تامین کننده و یا تولید کننده در تجارت بین المللی | بازرگانی الین

For this reason, before you want to enter into cooperation with the collection, you should do a good research about that company and see if it has the necessary capabilities to provide the goods you want. You should also compare the price offered by that collection with other collections.

Be sure to negotiate directly

In countries like China, which is known as one of Iran's main partners for importing all kinds of goods, many people work as intermediaries and make huge profits from this. Certainly, buying goods from these people or collections can increase your import costs. For this reason, it is better to negotiate directly with the manufacturer of that equipment.

Customs tariff for import of agricultural machinery

As you know, imported or exported goods are identified using specific codes determined by customs. For this reason, for that time clearance به  مشکل نخورید، باید کد کالاهایی که قصد وارد کردن آن‌ها را دارید بدانید. دقت داشته باشید که واردات کالاها نیز می‌تواند با توجه به نوع آن‌ها متفاوت باشد. در ادامه تعرفه برخی از کالاها را به عنوان مثال بیان می‌کنیم.

  • Tiller clearance tariff with land preparation equipment is permanently around 8% of input
  • The customs tariff for clearing the combine is four to eight percent of customs duties
  • The customs tariff for rice is also eight percent

تعرفه واردات تجهیزات کشاورزی | بازرگانی الین