Which products accounted for the largest share of exports?

The head of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce stated: Among the various product groups of food and agricultural products, Iran's largest exports are focused on fruits and nuts with a 45% share, vegetables with a 13% share, canned products with a 10% share, dairy products, honey and eggs. Pepper is with a share of 5.8%, which accounts for more than 75% of food products. In general, among the high diversity of Iran's agricultural products, the following products have the highest demand and export volume in this field and are the most profitable for the producers of this field. They are industry

 and tomato with a share of 5.8%, which accounts for more than 75% of food products. In general, among the high diversity of Iran's agricultural products, the following products have the highest demand and export volume in this field and are the most profitable for They are the producers of this industry

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The leading fruit in the export list of agricultural products in 7 months of 2018

The National Center for Strategic Studies of Agriculture and Water of the Chamber of Iran has published a report on the foreign trade statistics of the agriculture and food industries sector in 7 months of 2017 and compared it with the same period of previous years. According to this report, the country's agricultural and food industry trade balance is still negative, but it has improved by 21% compared to the same period last year.


The National Center for Strategic Studies of Agriculture and Water of the Chamber of Iran has published a report on the foreign trade statistics of the agriculture and food industries sector in 7 months of 2017 and compared it with the same period of previous years.

This report was obtained by exploiting, processing and analyzing the information of the agriculture and food industries data of the customs statistics of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The monthly information of this year is compared with the data of the same period of the last six years (years 1990-1996) and it includes the import of basic products of agriculture and food industry, the export of major products of agriculture and food industry and the trade balance of 7 months of 2017 and the same period of previous years as well. It is stipulated.



In the seven months of 2017, the amount of agricultural and food industry exports is 4 million 93 thousand tons and worth 3 billion 723 million dollars, which accounts for 6.1% by weight and 13.7% by value of the country's total export of non-oil products. The export value of seven months of 2017 has increased by 23% compared to the same period of the previous year, and compared to all previous years, it was the highest figure.


The main export items of agricultural products and food industries include all kinds of tree fruits worth 740 million dollars and a value share of 19.9%, all kinds of vegetables and vegetable products worth 657 million dollars and a value share of 17.6%, milk and its products worth 381 million dollars and a share of The value was 10.2%, saffron was 179 million dollars and the value share was 4.8%, and fish was worth 137 million dollars and the value share was 3.7% of the total export value of agricultural products and food industries.


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